Introducing Alien Buddha Press Zine #62

Introducing the new Alien Buddha Zine, number 62, which came out in May. It was just around the corner when I last looked. I have three poems included, two of which have never seen the light of day. They are The Black Sun and Glow Worm Matariki. The third, Shallow Grave is one of my favourite poems and made its debut in an online journal somewhere back in the mists of time – Our Own Mythologies from Amphora. Now, it is born anew and correctly titled.
I’m looking forward to the publication of ABZ#62! These poems formed part of a suite originally sent to AB Press as part of its collection Where in the World is the Alien Buddha? The anthology selected one poet from every country. I threw my hat in the ring as I had not yet seen any represented from New Zealand. The editor came back to tell me another New Zealand poet had got there before me – his name was just not yet up in lights, but why not submit to ABZ#62 instead? So, I did.

The First New Zealand Poet

In spite another poet pipping me at the post, I bet I can still safely boast I’m Alien Buddha’s first New Zealand poet with the publication of All Revolutions Begin This Way, published in January 2023. It is unique in its mythic retelling of New Zealand’s gold mining past. As an aside, I am also the first New Zealand poet to have works grace the pages of Flights E-Journal, Hedgehog Poetry Press, The Hooghly Review, possibly Literary Revelations and … the only country yet to publish my oeuvre is New Zealand!
Of course, both Glow Worm Matariki and Shallow Grave have mythic connections with my home country as the reader will discover on opening to page 37 where my poems appear. I won’t let the cat out of the bag just yet! The Black Sun has no direct geographical reference to my place of birth, but its inspiration and esoteric threads are deeply interwoven with my life here.

An excerpt from the featured poem The Black Sun.
An excerpt from the poem The Black Sun

Alien Buddha Zine #62 is available on Amazon..

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