Hidden in Childhood: a Unique Anthology

Why is Hidden in Childhood so special? It is an attractively original concept and possibly never conceived in such a form. Generously filled with works from poets worldwide, Hidden in Childhood is a bumper crop of some 450 pages. Many books cover the topic of childhood, but this is a dedicated collection in which myriad experiences and memories encompass the spectrum of human experience. From the most painful and tragic to exquisite memories of pinnacled joy, the book cannot fail to elicit powerful emotion.

The editor, Gabriela Marie Milton, invited contributors to share their thoughts on what the anthology meant to them. I wrote: ‘I knew at once this book would tremendously impact our society and the literary world – it is a unique concept. It is an honour to have my poems in the collection alongside many great talents.’

The Moon is a Time Traveller in rough draft.

The Editor describes her work as a lovingly crafted Collection. Emerging poets share their outpourings with well-known authors. A monumental anthology in which ‘every poem sends shivers down your spine’. Childhood’s joy and trauma expressed – with stunning talent and sincerity – by over 150 poets in more than 280 poems’. … ‘Over 150 voices call you to read this book’. … ‘You will be reminded of the beauty of the seraphim …’

I foresaw that the book would be a huge success. It quickly reached #1 on Amazon Poetry Anthologies on the first day of publication.

It was a joy to return to some of my childhood haunts to relive the recollections that wove a delicate tapestry for my poems.

The poet reads Nineveh from Hidden in Childhood

Find out where to buy Hidden in Childhood here: https://elizabeth-barton.co/books/

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