The Quantum Self

Everyone has a quantum self.

The quantum self operates in a quantum field of consciousness unbound by time or space. Everyone has a quantum self, and more will increasingly become aware of this as we progress into the Age of Aquarius. Knowledge of the astral body and the ‘seven sheaths’ of the subtle bodies are part of centuries-old knowledge. But what I call the quantum self is a living, dynamic part of waking life, immediate and accessible.

Becoming aware of it can be as spontaneous as a dream. When I flew and was training pilots, my experiences with them opened my eyes. Some students pictured me quite differently from how I saw myself – that I was a petrolhead, for example, and drove a grunty sportscar in a red one-piece outfit! The costume came up again in another student’s mind, only in black lycra. They only ever saw me at work in standard pilot’s garb; white shirt, black tie, navy trousers. Others saw me as some kind of white witch, able to manipulate the weather to create any condition tailored to the flying lesson! At the time, I didn’t drive and certainly never entertained witchcraft. Some might say it was a projection of an archetype, or past lives active in my energetic field – but none of them contained the imagery described.

These pilots intuited a dynamic within me or described an unknown aspect of myself. So I decided to explore further. Over time, I formed the idea of a quantum self – or it trickled into my consciousness. This field of consciousness will interact with our environment on many more levels than previously imagined. I already had a taste of it when I discovered while learning to fly that the aircraft could ‘obey’ my thought commands or intentions before I even touched the controls. There is no doubt others who flew with me picked up on some level my ability to operate in a quantum interface and used symbolic imagery to map their perceptions. It is not necessary to insert a chip into the brain! The brain is a quantum field already and works holographically.

Pay attention to how those who interact with you perceive you – positive, challenging perceptions. What do they tell you? It may open a world of discovery.

The future is going to be very interesting.

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